Anatomy of a UX portfolio

Anatomy of a UX portfolio

I've noticed that both junior and established UX designers and UX researchers often have trouble creating a compelling UX portfolio with interesting UX case studies. Here's some common pitfalls:

They just add pictures of visual UX deliverables on their case study page, or even worse, they showcase the visuals with little or no description explaining their design process. This results in a very superficial UX case study that doesn't really uncover their thought process.

They don't include key metrics and KPIs that demonstrate their impact to a UX project. Sometimes these KPIs just have to be teased out by having a conversation to really understand their work context.

They don't tell cohesive stories in their UX case studies and are unable to attract recruiters. In other words, they haven't thought about how to market their UX case studies and get recruiters and hiring managers to care about their work. Why should a recruiter or hiring manager care about a dog training app? Or a ride share app? Make a case, tell a story, and make it compelling so that they want to read, watch and browse through your work!

This week, I'm looking to work with 5 active UX job seekers who need help with creating a killer UX portfolio that gets them noticed by Fortune 500 companies. My availability is limited, so the first 5 folks to sign up will receive:

1-on-1, 90-minute portfolio rewrite with me where we will walk through your current UX portfolio and I'll ask you context questions about your work experiences so that we can better reframe your UX case studies.

Access to a repository of UX case study templates that have helped myself, my partner Khrys, and our Ideate Labs alumni land UX jobs at Fortune 500 companies like Disney, Ford, Reddit, Barclays, Merck, PNC, CVS, Capital One, BNY Mellon, GE Aviation, and more.

Access to a DIY UX job search course that includes 6 hours of content on how to write a killer UX resume, how to build a thoughtful UX portfolio, UX interview techniques, salary negotiations techniques, and UX job search techniques and secrets.

So what's next? And how does this process work?

1. Book your 1 on 1 call with me:

2. Email me your UX portfolio. My email is provided in the Calendly form.

3. I'll email you back with access to our UX portfolio templates and access to the mini UX course.

4. I'll send you a word document containing rewrites for your UX portfolio within 24 hours of our 1 on 1 call.

As always, rooting for your success!

Samaya & Khrys

P.S. This offer ends by the end of the week, so schedule your call today.

P.P.S. Check out our free UX mentorship online course with 9 modules dedicated to helping you with the UX job search. We also created our premium junior UX jobs board subscription ($10 per month) to get you access to more junior UX jobs on a weekly basis. Be the first to gain access to all our jobs board updates.

P.P.P.S. Refer a friend to this newsletter if you like our content! We create our content with love and care, with you in mind. Always rooting for your success :)

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